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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Broken dreams is what we're made of. One day we will fly high and then our wings will die.

=/ I feel like a horrible person. I don't want to be here now, I'm a fucken screw up. I fuck up everything for everyone. I wish things would go differently. But me wanting to help others just makes things worse for us. I'm sorry, But if I apologize you will destroy me even more.

I wish you would have the heart to say No to others, I will not "help" you anymore. I just seem to fuck everything up I have tried to help but no luck. I miss being a careless kid =/

Saturday, July 17, 2010

how are we going to get through this

All that's guaranteed in life is Taxes and Death.

But I like to also add Debt!
We live in a time where you swipe the card.
don't see the bill,
pay the minimum payment.
3 years later after buying a 5,000 dollar TV
we wonder why we still owe so much.

The biggest mistake we can do is fall behind on our bills

fuck society
fuck the rules
fuck you

life is strange
life is simply
life is evil
life is good