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Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Man came into the Store

Today, the only fucken day, I work. [I know terrible.] I had an elder gentlemen come into the store; He asked where the owners where at. I replied an told him that they where off at mass a.k.a. Church. He laughed and said a few thing in broken English. After, he went on to say, "When your young, you don't care about religion; But once your my age you start going back to church".

This old man [lol] got me thinking. Do even us Agnostic and Atheist people end up attaching ourselves to a so called religion? I was raised going to mass every Sunday. My mom would make me wear puffy bright dresses. My brothers would wear dressy clothes. My whole family would dress up just to go to church. Religion was forced on me. I as a kid or a "sinner," I would take a nice one hour naps during mass. I hated Sunday because we would just there and be quite. I never understood the point of it.

Growing up in a Mexican family that practiced Roman Catholic beliefs was truly an adventure. I was baptized and even did my first communion. My parents tried to make me do my conformation; but i never conformed to the the Catholic beliefs. I believe since i was about 9 or 10 i decided that Organized religion wasn't for me. Around that age in public school u learn about other cultures religious beliefs.

I learned that Catholicism wasn't the only religion around me. The religion that mostly stuck with me was Buddhism. Learning about Karma and reincarnation that was soo amazing. Ever since then i questioned the power of the "catholic god." I can remember being excited to tell my mother about what cool things I learned at school. The wonderful beliefs others had! to be turned down and shunned. Criticized for thinking differently. My ideas where crazy and insane. I was stupid.

From this day one i learned Religion was a touchy subject in my household. But this makes me wonder did my parents ever so call "rebel" about there religious preferences?? or they where never given a chance because the both grew up in strict catholic homes in Mexico. Where you must assimilate or be shun. Ha! the irony. But being born and raised In the USA Ive learned from other people's ideology to be different is good. To go against the current may not always be right but it can be done.

Will i ever change my mind about religion? Will i become more "spiritual?" Will become a "devoted follower?"

Honestly I believe religious people NEED a higher POWER in there life. Because if they dont they probably will turn to drugs or other addictions. God because there NEW addiction. I like to think i have enought self control to look away from "temptations"........................

shall continue later again =X

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