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Friday, May 4, 2012

system failer

We are just floating, some people are just hard wired. we are drifting.

its sad but its true we cant have peace without war.

Live to die.
Die to Live.
Life is to war as love is to peace.

We are humans we need to decided if its us or them, just to simple to survive,

if you want to live we must sacrifice our self and others.

enough of this illusion, we can not be one... but we must be individuals inside a unit. 

we have to do evil to be good its the sad part of life.

when it comes to last moment. who will conquer the world?

The clock is ticking and time is winding down.

who will you be?

the winner? or the loser?

how does this system failer effect you?

will you be here tomorrow?

did you survey?

how will it be different this time?

we are young creatures.

we are going to make mistakes.

our bodies do not evolve but we adapt and our minds create our path.

we are obsessive.

we need balance

the correct justice.

how can we make the perfect world when we are not perfect.

error error error *system reboot*

-colab  w./ Ivan Ramos

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